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IBM Power Ideas Portal

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Core OS

Showing 120

spawn() - Don't check "max active" of job queue and controlled end of subsystem for spawn() jobs (BCI)

Spawn jobs (BCI) are handled like normal submitted jobs. This mean that the current job queue needs to have enough "max active jobs" left to start a BCI job. In my eyes the spwan() mechanism should always starts the requested jobs and ignore the "...
over 4 years ago in IBM i / Core OS 1 Not under consideration

Fix QsnRtvWinD so that it correctly returns its information

The DSM API QsnRtvWinD does not correctly populate the passed in data structure with the current window description. This causes errors when using that information in the QsnChgWin API--for example, the window border will not recognize the GUI_Sup...
over 4 years ago in IBM i / Core OS 4 Not under consideration

[AJS] Notification encoding

French special characters are not correctly formed when AJAX is sending notifications if smtp server use UTF-8. Use Case: SNDDSTJS RCP(PIERREYVES) SUBJECT('éèçàù') MSG('éèçàùêë')
over 4 years ago in IBM i / Core OS 4 Not under consideration

[AJS] check JOB dependencies when running a SBMJOBJS

CHKDEP parameter for SBMJOBJS command only check for resource dependencies or for active JOB dependencies.When we add JOB dependencies to AJS, SBMJOBJS don't mater of them and we can submit a JOB without that is predecesor as running. Use Case: SB...
over 4 years ago in IBM i / Core OS 2 Not under consideration

Change Threshold for Ineligible Job

According to this document, threshold for ineligible job is reset to 255 in IPL. There is no way to change this initial threshold number. If it can change, it could reduce alert message. Use C...
over 4 years ago in IBM i / Core OS 2 Not under consideration

CHKPPRC enhancements

1) CHKPPRC should have a 3rd completion code: Successful but with errors or warnings. Currently there are only 2 completion codes, successful or failed. But automation tools may miss errors or warnings. 2) In a symmetrical GMIR environment, where ...
over 4 years ago in IBM i / Core OS 3 Not under consideration

Prepare for Jobnumer > 6 digits

For sure this will lead to some discussion - customer asks if job number will be somewhen extended to 6 digits. Currently jobnbr/jobusr/jobname is not a unique combination but you need to force an overrun with looping jobs.Also sysval QMAXJOB must...
almost 5 years ago in IBM i / Core OS 8 Not under consideration

Make it easier to script changes to the library list of a job description

I had the need to add a library to many job descriptions, too many to want to do manually with CHGJOBD. Using new IBMi services to show job description libraries followed by a CHGJOBD might work, but it's quite clunky. Use Case: Need to add a libr...
almost 5 years ago in IBM i / Core OS 8 Not under consideration

Provide a Real Retrieve Identity of Last SPOOLED File API

The QSPRILSP API was useful to retrieve the last spool file created in a job. Today, however, it has been compromised and returns the last spooled file in the thread in which the API runs, not the last SPOOLED file for the job for which it was ori...
about 5 years ago in IBM i / Core OS 2 Not under consideration

Create an AS/400 environment, similar to S/36 environment

Create an AS/400 environment that requires a startup command - eg. STR400 - similar to STRS36. Isolate certain OS functions that can only run if you start this environment first - eg, STRSEU, STRQRY, STRSDA.. Any green screen command that has an e...
over 5 years ago in IBM i / Core OS 9 Not under consideration