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IBM Power Ideas Portal

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against IBM Power Systems products, including IBM i. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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All ideas

Showing 4532

chmod: ACL support

Not very well known feature of Linux is the possibility to set ACLs with chmod command - even if there are special ACL commands like setfacl and getfacl. The feature is used in some Ansi...
6 months ago in AIX 0 Future consideration

chmod: add reference option

Sometimes it is useful to set permissions the same way as they already set on one of the files. In Linux it is possible to do the operation with --reference option to provide a reference file with permissions already set. Linux example: # ls -ltot...
6 months ago in AIX 0 Future consideration

Display fields and/or structures defined with TEMPLATE differently in the outline.

It's nice to know that a data element is a "data type" or "template" rather than usable storage. Also, if you have the knowledge available during editing, don't suggest TEMPLATE items in calculations. They're OK for like() and likeds(), %size(), t...
12 months ago in IBM i / RDi (Rational Developer for i) 1 Future consideration

Add a PowerHA smart Assist component for IBM InfoSphere DataStage app

Our team uses PowerHA SystemMirror for our IBM InfoSphere DataStage application. However, PowerHA SystemMirror doesn't have a smart assist components for this product.
over 3 years ago in PowerHA for AIX 0 Future consideration

From a SQLxxxLE source, a "SQL prompter" on SQL lines

From a SQLxxxLE source, a "SQL prompter" on SQL lines as we can have in SEU with the F4 function key Use Case: Helpfull to code SQL statements
over 13 years ago in IBM i / RDi (Rational Developer for i) 9 Future consideration

Search fields e.g. Capacity Monitoring or other search field need logical and,or,not capabilities

If you want to search for specific patterns etc in Names you need additional logic selection like and,not,or etc. to filter with more precise
over 1 year ago in Cloud Management Console 0 Submitted

RUNRMTCMD equivalent command for IBM i Access Client Solutions.

RUNRMTCMD was available in IBM i Access for Windows (iAWin) but not in IBM i Access Client Solutions (i ACS). Up until Service Pack (SP) SI57907, when RUNRMTCMD is issued, the desktop application would launch and user is able to view the applicati...
about 8 years ago in IBM i / IBM i Access Family 2 Not under consideration

Allow SQL name when declaring a data structure

Allow a data structure declaration to use a SQL name Use Case: dcl-ds thirdPT extName('THIRDPARTYTABLESQLNAME') alias qualified;end-Ds;
almost 6 years ago in IBM i / Languages - RPG 4 Future consideration

Improve smbc performance with multiple threads

When multiple threads access an smbc share, individual threads may pause for long periods of time while one thread seems to have almost exclusive access to the share.
over 1 year ago in AIX 0 Future consideration

HMC and MDS automation for firmware updates and status

HMC have connections to all our Power Systems and at the same time towards IBM support sites. We run a fully virtualized environment so all SEA and NPIV adapters are "dedicated" to the VIO-servers. Firmware status and updates are important and sin...
about 3 years ago in Hardware Management Console 0 Future consideration