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IBM has evaluated the priority of this enhancement proposal relative to other future product content and determined that this RFE will not be pursued for a future product release
IBM has received this requirement and someone is evaluating it.IBM will provide a response after evaluation is complete.
Interesting - not heard of anyone using SUMA - outside of a product - for many years.
* Agree: if SUMA is going to be continued as a real method for maintaining AIX it needs both an improved USER-Interface (SMIT required a lot of self-training to learn what did what) - and it needs to be able to deal with ifix and 'so-called' 3rd-party software (e.g., Java, OpenSSH, OpenSSL) who have update cycles outside of a SP-TL cycle. So, also an improved interface for APAR based updates. And, back to ifixes - also support custom ifix (ie, those onlt available to a specific customer support request).
* Main point: more support for AIX and software update support - ie, to stop forcing customers to use something such as PowerSC and/or BigFix to manage the complexity. AIX has been famous for being "complete" out of the box. Now it is getting infamous for too many things that almost work.