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I misspoke earlier. This RFE is a duplicate of RFE 143905. That RFE has a status of Uncommented Candidate.
We recognize that the usefulness of a threshold warning of this type. We think we could do this in a fairly efficient manner for the spooled files in *SYSBAS. This efficient technique is not available to use for spooled files in IASPs. Since IASPs have a much higher limit on the number of spooled files, would a solution limited to *SYSBAS meet your requirements?
The CEAC has reviewed this requirement and recommends that IBM view this as a MEDIUM priority requirement that should be addressed.
Background: The COMMON Europe Advisory Council (CEAC) members have a broad range of experience in working with small and medium-sized IBM i customers. CEAC has a crucial role in working with IBM i development to help assess the value and impact of individual RFEs on the broader IBM i community and has therefore reviewed your RFE.
To find out how CEAC help to shape the future of IBM i, see CEAC @ and the article "The Five Hottest IBM i RFEs Of The Quarter" at
Therese Eaton – CEAC Program Manager, IBM
I use the tracking in the system limits file for issues such as this. For reference, system limits are documented here:
It's a simple query to see how close you are to the maximum number of spooled files on the system:
select * from qsys2.syslimits where limit_id = 19002;
However, this limit is one that is not supported for the system limits alerting.
I would like to see this specific limit added to the list of limits that have a message sent to QSYSOPR if nearing the limit, which is the spirit of this RFE.
I support this change. I have an open RFE for the debugger where when debugging SQLRPGLE programs, I have run out of spool files the system creates for QPJOBLOB. In this instance, I am not able to complete the debug, least of all to say the amount of time it takes to get to maximum spool files.
The number of spool files needs to be increased and the increase could be handled like physical files where the initial size or in this instance, number of spool files a job can create before hard haltng the job. I request a prompt to increase the number beyond the initial number of files.
That information is recorded to the Sytem Limt file SYSLMTTBL:
You can monitor the file and take the appropriate action.