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IBM Power Ideas Portal

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against IBM Power Systems products, including IBM i. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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All ideas

Showing 4518

A wrong comment

Today an operator made a mistake in putting the sign in an update SQL stmt, and instead of a hyphen he put two hyphens.The result was catastrophic. Over 700,00 lines have been updated: update TABLE set AMOUNT = ,01--, TAX=123,4where KEY = 1 instea...
10 months ago in IBM i / Db2 for i 3 Not under consideration

PowerSC anti malware feature should have an option to integrate with the FIM functionality

The PowerSC anti-malware feature should provide an option to integrate with the FIM (File Integrity Monitoring) functionality. If the user selects this option, then whenever a monitored file is modified, PowerSC should automatically scan this file...
over 1 year ago in PowerSC 2 Under review

Checkbox for option does not support 27x132 display size

if a checkbox is used in a subfile, at V7R2 it does not support 27x132 display size. Throws a compilation error for fields located outside 74 position. Use Case: The checkbox - a versatile function available on green screen is not usable when the ...
over 5 years ago in IBM i / Application Development 3 Is a defect

Add column and filter for the job's current user to JOB_INFO

I need a way to get the job date from an SQL session so that I can test SQL statements as they might have run in the past using only SQL features. JOB_INFO UDTF only returns job information for the connection user not the current user as is needed...
about 7 years ago in IBM i / Db2 for i 1 Not under consideration

ACS Local Screen Print Behavior Like PC5250

Make the local screen print button function in ACS like it did in the 5770-XE1, Access for Window Client. Use Case: When users print the screen the font is too small to read.Details in PMR
almost 8 years ago in IBM i / IBM i Access Family 7 Not under consideration

ACS RSS - Support Multiple Connections

Within ACS Run SQL Scripts (RSS) support the ability to connect multiple times with different configurations and then run a given SQL against one of those Connections.The 'Quantum DB' plugin for Eclipse provides this functionality. This support is...
almost 4 years ago in IBM i / IBM i Access Family 2 Not under consideration

DDS: left justify values when entering numeric field and right justify when leaving

I would like the 5250 emulation to left justify the content in numeric fields when the cursor enters the field ( on focus ) and right justify it like hitting Field+ when leaving ( on blur ). Today many users are maneuvering around on the screen us...
over 5 years ago in IBM i / IBM i Access Family 4 Not under consideration

Create a new group that would allow limited administrator functionality on the GUI.

I need a group that is able to perform limited administrator type functions from the UI.1) Reports Tab - Request and print all reports 2) Security Tab: a) View and drill down into rtc events making them searchable. b) Disable rtc configuration or ...
over 6 years ago in PowerSC 2 Planned for future release

PowerVM to be able to override local optical devices when executing a LPM/ SRR

LPM and SRR can't function when a LPAR has a VTOPT# device
about 7 years ago in PowerVM 1 Not under consideration

RPG File Description Keywords SFLPAG and SFLSIZ

I'm missing 2 File Description Keywords, SFLPAG and SFLSIZ.They should return the values from the subfile control record in a WORKSTN file. Today we are hardcoding the values in the programs and have to remenber to change them if we change the sub...
over 6 years ago in IBM i / Languages - RPG 2 Not under consideration