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Thank you for submitting this request. I am declining it at this time because of the potential performance concerns and other alternatives available.
Hi Guys
You both raise some good points, the problem seems to be that no matter what IBM adds to the command line, there is always a trade off in performance or data. The good news is this is one of the thought processes behind IBM i Services. So, today you can create a customer SQL statement that will give you the information you are asking for in exactly the sequence you choose and with the data included that you want.
For example, you could use a statement like:
SELECT X.Objname, X.Objtype, X.Objowner, X.Objcreated, X.Objsize, X.Objtext, X.Last_Used_Timestamp
FROM TABLE(qsys2.object_statistics('YourLib', '*ALL', 'P*'))
AS x
Order By X.Objtype, X.Objname
Note the three paramaters on the qsys2.object_statistics
The first is the library name you are interested in
The seconds the Object Type, this can be specific like *PGM or *FILE or generic like *ALL
The third is the object names you want, again this can be specific, *all or a partial match like the P* I used giving me all objects starting with a P
I hope this helps
Best wishes, Brad
Steve Bradshaw
IBM Champion, Member of CEAC, TD of
and Friendly Techie Bloke at
I also wish for the this function, but this will significantly slow down the command while the system counts and adds object sizes (each file member is processed individually so this is particularly bad on libraries with many source members).
I DO NOT want to live with the slowness. If IBM does this, they will need to add a parameter with the default of no-totals.