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The fix has been delivered in AIX 7.2.5 & AIX
APAR_aix_7.2.5 IJ23615
APAR_aix_7.1.5.7 = IJ26576
.This is to be delivered in 7.2.5
Josh, that is their primary request - to change the password checking regcmp to use REG_ICASE, but this needs design reconsideration, since this would be a new feature which would require some fallback consideration.
Are you using the REG_ICASE flag on regcomp? So far as I can tell, POSIX standard for regexc only ignores case when you specify that flag when compiling the pattern. Default functionality preserves case.
The specific issue is in the pattern matching during AIX password checking, when using dictionlist.
When dictionlist file contains 'liberty'
The following fails, as expected:
liberty Liberty lIberty LIBerty
If using pattern matching '*.*liberty'
1liberty fails as expected
1Liberty is accepted, because the regcmp is case sensitive.
The specific issue is in the pattern matching during password checking, when using dictionlist.
The specific issue is in the pattern matching during password checking, when using dictionlist.