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IBM does not intend to provide a documentation change for this request, so it is being closed. The existing documentation for Changing CL command defaults,, discusses the impact of installing a new release on changed commands. That documentation recommends creating a CL program as other comments have suggested. CL command default changes can be tracked by using the QIBM_QCA_RTV_COMMAND exit point which is also described in that documentation.
Sorry, I wasn't very clear with that--I was interrupted when I entered my comment and finally got back to it when I was trying to get out the door at the end of the day.
All changes are stored in a CL member. The member is not compiled. The utility is generic to process any source member of CL commands. Then we can simply add the CHGCMDDFT command for overrides of supplied command defaults. We also include any system configuration changes with their appropriate command.
Without the utility we would have to compile the CL each time we added or changed something.
Do not change anything in QSYS. It is IBM's property. However, if you need to do so; create a CL program that can be run after any upgrade, TR or PTF.
@Michael... why do you need a utility ?
We just store all our CHGCMDDFT commands in a CL and after an upgrade we just call the CL.
Haven't verified your SQL yet, but it doesn't show what we changed (we have plenty more commands than shown).
You can also run the following SQL statement to find all commands that had their defaults changed:
with libs (lib) as (
select objname
from table (
select lib, objname as cmd, cmds.apar_id, cmds.*
from libs, table (
) as cmds
where cmds.apar_id = 'CHGDFT' and lib like 'QSYS%'
Every time we modify any supplied objects, we keep a copy of the command in a CL source member. We use a utility (from an old S/3x magazine article) which allows us to execute these commands after each migration or upgrade.
This is how we maintain compliance with our policies.