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Only the very early version (2010-2011) of CAA used multicast, now all the deployments of CAA uses socket (TCP/IP) for communication by default. This mode of communication is called UNICAST. Hence, everything should work seamlessly across multiple subnets, as the routing is handled by TCP/IP stack.
Only in very rare occasions, when there is no incoming packets on an interface, CAA would issue a multicast ping to generate some incoming packet to check the health of the adapter. This should also work by default. Customer can easily test this on any of their nodes even without configuring PowerHA, by simply running the command,
ping -I
This multicast group is turned on on all AIX machines and these don't need to go across network to a remote CAA node. This is just an ARP message, All the neighboring AIX machines will respond to this thereby generating incoming packets. In short, no special handling is needed if customer is using UNICAST mode